Congratulations Vejay!!

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Congratulations to our boy Vejay Lal on finally becoming a man....and qualifying as an Architect! (Look how happy he looks!) We are so very proud of him and we know that he will accept the responsibility that comes along with the title! Remember Vejay, with great power comes great responsibility! And yes that does mean we will be offloading all our project work onto you, you have, after all proved you can handle the responsibility with competency and integrity! (ARB Code of Conduct Standards 1 & 2 #justsaying).

Vejay undertook his professional exams and interview at the University of Nottingham where he passed with flying colours. We are very glad that the support and guidance given from our office, as well as his own obvious talents enabled him to undertake the final milestone needed to achieve his qualification. We're sure Vejay will agree that the journey to becoming an Architect as those who have qualified know, can often be a difficult, testing and strenuous path but in the end, all that blood, sweat and tears (literally) is definitely worth it.

After 10 years he will never have to pick up another book again, oh other than construction books, planning policy and building regulation documents of course! Congratulations once again, we will definitely be celebrating tonight with a few cheeky bevvies down the pub later on! #astarchitectisborn


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