New Family Dwelling Set in Aldbury, Hertfordshire

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Pinchin Architects are located in Hertfordshire and our team live in the surrounding areas so our knowledge and understanding of local materials is second to none. We’ve worked on a number of Hertfordshire based projects that have involved the use of sustainable and local materials, a prime example of this is The Retreat.

The Retreat is a new family dwelling along Newground Road in Aldbury. The site lies to the south of Aldbury village, which sits near the borders of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. In planning terms, the site is defined as being located just outside a ‘small village in the rural area’.

The site lies within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; however, it does not form part of the conservation area. The site is part of the old Hospital for Infectious Diseases, which was built for the Berkhamsted Rural Sanitary Authority in 1879. It was deliberately remote from other villages and dwellings in an attempt to limit the spread of infectious diseases from the patients who were treated here.

We were granted planning permission in October 2016 and then again for a revised design in February 2017 for a replacement house on the plot. We then submitted a  further application in January 2019 when our client purchased the property, so that they could design the house to better suit their unique family’s needs. The new family home features four bedrooms with dormer windows set into the roof and has a family bathroom and en suite on the same floor. The ground floor provides accommodation for a large kitchen diner, living room, reception room, utility and ground floor toilet.

The revised proposal was designed to match the appearance of ‘The Cottage’ and other surrounding properties in the enclave, to ensure cohesiveness. The primary facing material is a yellow stock brick with red feature banding. In terms of detailing, listed in the proposal was to match ‘The Cottage’ with stone sills and arches over doors and windows. The main roof and the upper part of the gable ends has plain clay tile hanging that matches the gable detail of the surrounding houses.

At Pinchin Architects, we’re dedicated to sustainable design - and we work with our clients to complete development projects with an eye on environmental sustainability at all times.

If you’d like to speak to our experts on the finer details of UK building regulations or any aspect of sustainable construction, contact Pinchin Architects today.


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