Poynton Road


Poynton Road

New-build local authority homes

2 x 3 bed houses




The new-build houses at 4-6 Poynton Road bring a new pair of semidetached houses to a site that has been dilapidated for years. Believed to have once been shops on the ground floor and seeing residential use on the upper floor, the site is now occupied by two new-build dwellings that will serve the local community. Working with Haringey Council, Pinchin Architects have redeveloped the site for use as Local Authority housing, comprising 3-bedroom houses suitable for up to 6 people.

The pavement of Poynton Road to the south and the gardens of the surrounding properties on Spencer & Tilson Road tightly bounds this site. Therefore, windows and views out have been carefully considered, and views into the front of the properties are controlled from the street.

The plan has been designed so that the dining room addresses the street edge, allowing southern light to flow into the living area at the rear. The more privacy-sensitive living room is located at the rear of the property and overlooks the garden space.

The front elevation’s massing has been controlled by creating a wing for each property and stepping it back from the principal elevation. This space helps create a defensible space for the habitable room windows and provides a sensible area for bin storage. Projecting brick and stone headers and sills add relief to the façade.


Hay Farm, Therfield- Barn Demolition and Replacement 4-Bedroom Dwelling


Mount View Court