Design Services

Sketch Design

The Pinchin Architects ‘Sketch Design Service’ is a bespoke homeowner design service that will show you floor plan options of how your property can be best improved.

This service is for people contemplating buying a new property, new homeowners who are unsure if the house can be made to work for them, or for established families who have been wrestling with an unworkable layout or lack of light for some time.

Our Sketch Design Service is £600 plus VAT.

What you get

  • Take existing plans of the property, (these are usually estate agents plans) and use them as a template to work from.

  • We will then take a detailed list of objectives and improvements you are looking to make.

  • We will then get creative and will draft sketch plans options showing how your property can be transformed.

  • Please note the drawings that will be produced are plans only, no perspective or 3d drawings are included.

  • We will then package all of this up into a detailed summary that will be sent to you via email.

This report is a super useful document that can be used to help work out solution to problems, share ideas and images, and really define what outcomes may be possible.

We will also offer some useful homeowner guides that explain the steps to a successful home renovation and how you can best engage with an architect to get the most out of the process.

If you would like to book the Pinchin Architects Sketch Design Service please get in contact in one of the following ways and one of our architects will be in touch to start the process.

Ready to start?

Get in touch with
one of our architects

Free Introductory Call

If you have a project in mind and are serious about moving forward, you can book in for an obligation-free 30 minute call with one of our Hertfordshire-based architects.

Please click the following link and fill out the form to provide us with details about your project. This will help us make the call productive as it will give us key information about your property and what you are looking to achieve.

Once this is received, we will make contact with you to book in a free 30 minute call where you can tell us about what you are looking to achieve and we can help you work out a direction forward.

Architects Home Visit

If you just want to have this discussion in person and would like to have one of our Hertfordshire-based architects visit your home for a more in-depth discussion, then you can organise an architectural consultation straight away.

This service is aimed at homeowners looking to rework their existing properties or people about to purchase a new home. The service can be invaluable if you are about to make a large investment and would like a professional opinion on the potential of your new home.

Our Architects Home Visit Service is £300 plus VAT.