Bury Road


Bury Road

Affordable Family Accommodation

3 bed 2 storey house


April 2023


Pinchin Architects were appointed by the London Borough of Haringey to collaborate on an ambitious program to deliver 1,000 homes at council rents by 2022. We are proud to have worked with a group of specialist consultants and key stakeholders to help them realise these bold targets.

The scheme at Bury Road was influenced by the main principles set out in the Noel Park Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan guidance document. Our approach looked to retain the consistency of the building lines and vertical articulation, by retaining elements such the eaves and ridge heights, as well as raised parapet detailing. Window proportions and placement has been influenced by the street scene, so that they tie into the existing context. With the proposal being designed to form a new end of terrace property, we have introduced a projection to the corner to create prominence and to sub-divide what would be a very wide and potentially flat fronted proposal.

The proposed house will provide a three-bedroom, five-person dwelling, with an internal floor area of 104.9m2. No on-site car parking is proposed to be provided although on-site cycle parking will be provided in excess of London Plan standards.


Mile End Renovation


Romney Close