Hastoe Hill


Hastoe Hill

Large detached dwellings with open plan living

4 x 5 bed detached houses



The proposal regarded the demolition of a horse-riding stable which was no longer operating as a successful business. In its place, four large detached dwellings were proposed, each with five bedrooms and an open-plan living arrangement.

The scheme was carefully designed to respect the character of the local area. It represented a considerable improvement on the existing building. The existing site contained poor quality buildings which did not relate in any way to the character of the local area. These were proposed to be demolished and replaced with beautiful buildings using local materials and vernacular.

The scheme based itself around a courtyard design but allowed each property to be detached to allow maximum resale value for the property developer. An open entrance courtyard was proposed with varied planting and landscaping to create an inviting entrance with a rural aesthetic.


Farrant Avenue


Wheatfield House